Grade 5

Homework Is Useless!

I think homework is useless for many reasons, and research says homework has more cons than pros.

To start off with, homework doesn’t give students the time to enjoy and do other activities. Researchers have cited disadvantages, including boredom and burnout toward academic material, less time for family and extracurricular activities, lack of sleep and increased stress. It’s important to stay active and homework can reduce kids love for sports. Would you want to sacrifice your fun activities for homework?

Another reason to why I think homework is useless, is because its not new work we do in homework, it’s just revision. I think we do enough learning at school and that and there’s no need for revision. I believe that most students agree that homework is useless.

Thirdly, homework makes kids feel stressed. Kids can forget to submit their homework which puts a lot of stress in them. Would you want your kids feeling stressed over unnecessary stuff? Also doing homework for kids who don’t understand is pointless because there is no teacher at home to explain to you. So even for people who need extra help, I think that it’s a waste of time to do homework.

To sum it up, homework doesn’t only stress kids, but it stresses teachers because teachers have to prepare more work. In school we have enough work but then preparing homework is a whole different thing.

In conclusion I think homework is a useless thing which shouldn’t be a part of students’ lives.

By Adiva (5B)